Non-stop meow
Television is great and all. True Detective, Mad Men, Game of Thrones and the like are making us rethink what a TV show can do. But sometimes, isn’t all you want just more cats? Like, all day, every day? is a free television streaming service with hundreds of free channels. And they just launched Cats 24/7, which gives you exactly what its name describes. Every hour is filled with felines, from documentaries on big cats to YouTube-friendly cartoon skits and parodies. Shows include “Famous Felines,” “Scaredy Cats,” “Cats Gone Viral,” and many, many more.
It’s pretty light fare—no one’s going to mistake this for a cat HBO. But we do have a few suggestions. Real Cats of Orange County would be a smash hit, as would Kitten Survivor. Catnip could make a great name for a sexy all-cat drama.