Hillary on the Horizon
Re “Can Anyone Stop Hillary?” [Jan. 27]: Even if Hillary Clinton has not made any decision to run for the presidency in 2016, there are already signs revealing her intention. Given her shining credentials, she must be the best choice for the Democrats. That said, she is not without her failings. For starters, she cannot totally shed responsibility for the Benghazi fiasco. Her hawkish stance in speeches made overseas scared many non-Westerners. In any case, Americans now need a stronger President than ever, and Clinton would be seen as the right candidate.
Zizenn Chaan,
Merely considering Clinton as President highlights the desolate state of the U.S. political establishment. A busted flush as Secretary of State, she encouraged a policy against Syria that brought about one of the most horrific human tragedies of modern times.
Barry M. Watson,
Scarborough, England
The Europe Question
Re “How to End the Crisis Now” [Jan. 27]: I am disturbed by the anti-European mantra from European parties like the Bavarian Christian Social Union, which rants about Bulgarian and Romanian nationals going to Germany to steal social benefits. I can only hope that people who will participate in the elections for the European Parliament are not motivated by such populist statements. If Europe does not work together now and Germany does not do its part, we could fall back to a torn Europe with countries hostile to one another.
Elias Klink,
Tübingen, Germany
A “United States of Europe” will not work. Europe evolved over thousands of years as separate and sovereign societies that never surrendered their identity. It would do best to retain strong bonds but not hand over fiscal and political powers to Brussels. The euro should either be disbanded or restricted to countries with like-minded mentalities and characteristics.
Margit Alm,
Eltham, Australia
In a world of increasing international competition, the solution for most of Europe lies in working harder for less money. But what politician wants to champion that slogan?
Mikael Bahner,
Santa Maria, Azores
I am always fascinated by U.S. pronouncements about “Europe,” particularly when they go on to discuss the euro zone. Sorry, euro zone does not equal Europe. The U.K. has never taken part in the disastrous euro experiment. It has come out of recession faster than euro-zone countries and is heading rapidly to become the most successful economy in Europe. It might be of value to your readers to take a look at European countries not in the euro zone.
Colin Suter,
Northampton, England
Fit for the Nation?
Re “America’s Other India Problem” [Jan. 27]: While Narendra Modi has developed Gujarat state through his probusiness and investment-friendly approach, it does not guarantee that he will be able to do the same for the entire country sitting in the Prime Minister’s office. It would be like Arnold Schwarzenegger getting elected as U.S. President on the basis of his turning California into a clean-energy capital.
Suresh K. Parappurath,
Bangalore, India
Same Old Iran
Re “A New Beginning” [Jan. 27]: Let’s be clear about something: Hassan Rouhani has been “elected” from a short list of candidates approved by the Guardian Council, the Islamist junta that actually rules the country — the same one that ratified his predecessor Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. For those of us who listen, Rouhani says pretty much the same things Ahmadinejad did, except he says them with a smile and in a grandfatherly tone.
Noru Tsalic,
Coventry, England
A Decade Too Late
Re “Iraq on the Brink” [Jan. 20]: John Kerry is quoted as saying the Iraqis must resolve their own conflicts. I think Iraq would have been a better place today had then Secretary of State Colin Powell said the same in 2003.
James Dekker,
Cologne, Germany