Steve Bannon no longer holds the game's top spot
There’s been a drastic shift in the rankings in Trevor Noah’s ongoing game of “Who Is the Real President?” After declaring that Steve Bannon was the one running the show in early February, The Daily Show host has bumped White House senior advisor — and President Trump’s son-in-law — Jared Kushner to the top of the list.
“So, defeating ISIS, bringing peace to the Middle East, that’s a lot of responsibility,” Noah said of Kushner’s recently assigned duties. “But maybe, just maybe, Jared Kushner has a shot. If he focuses on nothing else.”
However, Noah went on to say that Kushner has also been tasked with reforming both the criminal justice system and veteran care, running the new Office of American Innovation, tackling the opioid epidemic and, last but not least, revamping the entire federal government, according to Good Morning America.
Watch the clip below.