Welcome to Dogtown
If you want to foster a lifelong love of skateboarding—and the skills that go with it—you have to start ’em young. As soon as that little one can walk, get those two— or in this case, four—legs on a board to start practicing those goofyfoot nollies and 50-50 grinds.
In a new video posted by Brian Bowie, he shows the secret to teaching your dog to shred and it doesn’t seem to involve repeat viewings of Lords of Dogtown (although it can’t hurt). Instead, he puts his adorable French bulldog puppy on a skateboard and plies it with treats to get it used to the rolling motion.
Even if you have no plans on teaching your pup to railside or kickflip, it’s an adorable way to spend three minutes of your life and much shorter than recreating Gleaming the Cube in your cubicle.