The ads are set to air in early-primary states
+ READ ARTICLEA super PAC backing Florida Sen. Marco Rubio in the Republican primary launched a broadside at opponent Texas Sen. Ted Cruz.
Two ads from the Conservative Solutions PAC were uploaded to YouTube on Monday, both criticizing Cruz. The ads are set to air in early primary states, where Rubio supporters are looking to knock some steam out of Cruz.
“Ted Cruz calculates his positions for political gain,” a narrator begins in one ad, painting Cruz as hard to pin down on “on immigration, Syrian refugees, ethanol, trade, you name it.” Titled “CalculaTED,” the ad concludes calling Cruz “consistently calculated.”
Another 30-second ad the Rubio PAC riffs on the ongoing debate over Cruz’s Canadian birth and subsequent eligibility for President. “What’s Canadian about Ted Cruz?” a narrator asks, quickly pointing to the conservative’s tax plan, which the ad compares to the systems found in “European socialist countries.”
The two Senators are going back-and-forth into the early-voting action in Iowa, where Cruz has a clear advantage, and in New Hampshire, where Rubio is slightly ahead, according to an average compiled by RealClearPolitics.