Cruz has taken much of Huckabee's thunder among conservative Christians
+ READ ARTICLEA super PAC supporting Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee took a quick snipe Thursday at opponent Ted Cruz.
Cruz is polling in second nationally, while Huckabee is hovering around eighth place in an average by RealClearPolitics. Huckabee supporters Pursuing America’s Greatness put together the 30-second spot, titled “Steadfast,” which argues that Cruz has been shifting his identity in to earn votes.
The ad cuts to images of Cruz while a narrator asks “will you remain steadfast and true or will you wake up deciding who to be that day?”
Both conservatives courting the Christian right, Cruz stole much of Huckabee’s thunder, especially among important Iowa voters.
Up until the summer, Huckabee enjoyed a comfortable percentage of Iowa voters—among whom he is now polling below five percent. At Thursday’s debates, Cruz was on the main stage, and Huckabee relegated to the undercard.