The ad asks why he deserves a "promotion"
+ READ ARTICLEA super PAC supporting Jeb Bush released an ad Thursday attacking former ally Marco Rubio over his Senate voting record.
The ad says that if the Florida Senator doesn’t show up to work in Washington, then voters shouldn’t give him a “promotion” to the White House, and it notes that Rubio was missing votes even before he began his presidential run. The Tampa Bay Times reports that the Right to Rise USA ad was released in Iowa, where Rubio is currently in third place and Bush behind in fifth, according to an average compiled by RealClearPolitics.
Rubio’s missed votes in the Senate continue to provide fodder for his opponents on the campaign trail. Last week both Bush’s super PAC Right to Rise and New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie jumped on Rubio’s attendance, and it was a point of contention in the last Republican debate.