Officials aren't sure how extensive the data breach is or if it's dangerous
Hackers have infiltrated the Trump Hotel Collection in locations across the United States and Canada and perhaps stolen a year’s worth of credit card data.
Trump Hotels are not quite sure if the data was stolen, however.
“Although an independent forensic investigation has not conclusively determined that any particular customer’s payment card information was taken from the Properties’ payment card system or misused, we are providing this notice out of an abundance of caution to inform potentially affected customers of the incident and to call their attention to some steps they may choose to take to help protect themselves,” a statement read.
Franchise locations include two in New York and one each in Chicago, Honolulu, Las Vegas, Toronto, and Miami.
Officials believe hackers used malware to capture sensitive payment information within the company’s computer system between at least May 19, 2014 and June 2, 2015, warning anyone who stayed at the above locations during that time might have been affected.
Trump Hotels is offering affected customers a free year of identity fraud protection, CNN reports.