Jeb Bush is turning to his father and brother to help boost a Texas fundraiser.
Former presidents George H.W. and George W. Bush will attend an event in October called the “Jeb Celebration” to raise money for his presidential campaign, according to the Wall Street Journal.
To be invited to the event, donors must raise at least $50,000 by the end of September; to get their picture taken with the two former presidents, $100,000.
In addition, George W. Bush also sent an email to supporters asking for smaller contributions of $25 to $100, the first time he has intervened in the campaign.
“He’s got a tough road ahead,” he wrote in the email. “Take it from someone who’s been there.”
Jeb Bush has walked a careful line with his family’s history in the White House, notably arguing that he would be his “own man” on foreign policy but also honoring his father with a campaign T-shirt.