Minions, the third installment in the Despicable Me franchise, serves as a prequel to the first film and comes out on July 10
Sandra Bullock
Sandra Bullock stars as Scarlet Overkill, an ambitious supervillain.
Jon Hamm
Jon Hamm voices Herb Overkill, the supportive husband of supervillain Scarlett Overkill.
Michael Keaton
Michael Keaton voices Walter Nelson, a well intentioned husband and father of a family of bank robbers on a road trip to Villain-Con in Orlando.
Allison Janney
Allison Janney plays Madge Nelson, Walter’s wife and matriarch of their family of bank-robbers.
Pierre Coffin
Director Pierre Coffin reprises his role as the voices of the minions that he also played in Despicable Me and Despicable Me 2.
Sandra Bullock
Sandra Bullock stars as Scarlet Overkill, an ambitious supervillain.
Jon Hamm
Jon Hamm voices Herb Overkill, the supportive husband of supervillain Scarlett Overkill.
Michael Keaton
Michael Keaton voices Walter Nelson, a well intentioned husband and father of a family of bank robbers on a road trip to Villain-Con in Orlando.
Allison Janney
Allison Janney plays Madge Nelson, Walter’s wife and matriarch of their family of bank-robbers.
Pierre Coffin
Director Pierre Coffin reprises his role as the voices of the minions that he also played in Despicable Me and Despicable Me 2.