Time to rent "Empire Records"
It’s April 8, which means today is Rex Manning Day! If you have no idea what that means and why it’s trending on Twitter, we’re sorry for what must have been a severely lacking VHS collection in the 90s. But don’t worry because we’re here to help.
Rex Manning was the fictional pop star in the 1995 movie Empire Records. On April 8, “Oh Rexy, you’re so sexy” Manning has a scheduled appearance at a struggling independent record store that the staff (which includes Renee Zellweger and Liv Tyler) is desperately trying to save from turning into corporate chain.
While the film flopped, making a mere quarter million dollars during its two-week theatrical run, it quickly became a cult classic — and the fake-tanned Rex Manning became an icon.
Watch this fake music video for the insta-classic Say No More (Mon Amour) and revel in Rex Manning’s perfection!