It involves selfies, obvi
+ READ ARTICLET-Mobile’s Super Bowl ad stars “Kim Kardashian, Famous Person” discussing a very serious matter.
“Each month millions of gigs of unused data are taken back by wireless companies. Tragic,” she says over somber PSA-style music. “Data you paid for that could be used to see my makeup, my backhand, my outfits, my vacations and my outfits. Sadly all lost. Please, help save the data.”
What follows is an ad that could be for T-Mobile’s Data Stash program or for Kardashian’s new book, appropriately titled Selfie.
Last year T-Mobile did a text-only ad that ended with the message: “Maybe next year, we’ll do an ad with overpaid movie stars.”
Let’s hope they spring for puppies in 2016.
See Kim Kardashian’s Most Memorable Magazine Covers
Read next: These Incredibly Realistic Celebrity Portraits Were Made Entirely With Emoji
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