"This Girl Can" celebrates active women in a refreshing way
+ READ ARTICLEDo images of hard-bodied models with unattainably chiseled abs lure people to the gym or keep them on the couch?
Research carried out by U.K. government agency Sport England found that 75% of women want to be more active. They don’t, CEO Jennie Price explained in a release, due to “a fear of judgement. Worries about being judged for being the wrong size, not fit enough and not skilled enough came up time and again.”
And so Sport England launched a new kind of campaign, using real talk and real women to promote a healthy lifestyle. Cellulite and all.
“I swim because I love my body. Not because I hate it.”
“I’m slow but I’m lapping everyone on the couch.”
“I jiggle, therefore I am.”
The campaign serves to remind the world that women’s bodies are supposed to move when they move. And that skinniness does not always connote health.
The women here might not be ripped from an Equinox ad, but after public cries that models in a 2012 campaign looked unhealthily thin, that might be a good thing.