Load this handy list onto your retinal implant before it's too late
Excerpted from the November 2045 issue of Galactic Girl.
Tech-literate ladies and savvy galactic girls aren’t impervious to the wily ways of an un-evolved male partner. We may live in a matriarchal utopia now, but that doesn’t mean your man is totally faithful. Though the only way to know for sure if your significant other is cheating on you is to hack into his neural net to access his thoughts, there are some subtler hints that might shed some light on the truth.
Here are 10 signs he’s cheating on you (probably with a sex robot).
1. The chip he’s had implanted into his arm as an activity tracker logged intense physical activity during an hour he was supposedly “in a client meeting.”
2. His drone is always mysteriously hovering over the flirty neighbor’s house.
3. Your robot maid accidentally just addressed you as “Stacey.”
4. There’s an extra scoop of Soylent missing.
5. His top Snapchat friend is a sentient RealDoll.
6. There’s a lipstick smudge on the sheets of your Mars shuttle’s bunk.
7. He almost never takes off his Oculus Rift.
8. He used the teleporter prettttty late last night.