Saturday Night Fever actor John Travolta said he's been "beating himself up all day" over his flubbed Oscars introduction of Frozen star Idina Menzel, who performed that movie's hit song "Let It Go" at the Academy Awards
After botching his introduction to Broadway actress and Frozen star Idina Menzel at Sunday night’s Oscars, John Travolta issued an apology of sorts Tuesday, but offered no explanation on why he called her “Adele Dazeem.”
“I’ve been beating myself up all day,” Travolta said in an emailed statement to the LA Times. “Then I thought…what would Idina Menzel say, She’d say, Let it go, let it go! Idina is incredibly talented and I am so happy Frozen took home two Oscars Sunday night!”
Menzel was at the Oscars performing “Let It Go,” the hit song from the animated picture.
[LA Times]